Christmas is special for many reasons. The most important reason is the birth of Jesus Christ. For many, Jesus’s birth gets lumped in with the various secular Christmas fantasies. Even for many Christians, the birth of Jesus is about a cute little baby lying in a manger. Christmas isn’t really about a cute little baby lying in a manger. It’s about God entering our world, physically becoming one of us, so that He could pay the penalty of our sins. Without His sacrifice we would all die forever. God so loved His creation that He sent His One and Only Son so that all who would believe in Him should not die but have eternal life with Him. (John 3:16) God could only pay for our sins by taking on human flesh from physical inception and birth – and after reaching manhood, to die for us. Only God could do that. Now all who put their faith in Him (follow Him), have the promise of life eternal. This life must end in death, but those who follow Jesus actually go on living beyond this present life. This present life is meant to be temporary because of sin (evil), but the next one with God is permanent and perfect. This life is about choosing to accept Jesus’ sacrifice and follow Him or not. Jesus said, “I am the way, the life and the truth. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” He is the only salvation available to men from God. Don’t ignore this salvation!
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